So, I read today [5-26-16] on about 5-6 different reliable news sites that Casey Anthony is today's hot docket. A private investigator by the name of Dominic Casey claims in an affidavit related to Casey Anthony's ongoing bankruptcy case, that he walked into the office of Jose Baez [Anthony's lawyer] unexpectedly, and saw Casey naked before the case went to trial. In addition, he states that Baez confided in him that Casey had murdered Caylee and he needed to find her body before anyone else did.
Now, first hole in that theory: if Casey DID kill Caylee and admit it to her lawyer, why wouldn't she go the distance and say where the body was and make a pre-emptive strike? I'm not buying that part of this. Did she have sex with her lawyer? Come on,yo. Seriously? It's been 5 years since this all went down and you're just NOW pointing the finger? He says it was before the trial, seems to me that's the time he should have stood up all,DING DONG! May I interject? Of course Baez is all on his high horse and indignant a la Bill Clinton,"I did not have sexual relations with that woman!!" Yeah, all right, whatever brah.
Fox news is reporting that there has been new evidence found on the Anthony home computer that was not found at the time of Caylee's disappearance. The computer's search engine was only searched under Google, and not the search engine Firefox, where allegedly someone had searched "foolproof method of strangulation". Double jeopardy prevents Casey being tried on the same evidence for the same crime, but if new evidence surfaced and circumstances can be proven, she could be federally charged. Could they? I'm no lawyer so I don't know but I don't put anything past a vengeful state.