A new movie about the life of Jeffery Dahmer is in the works, and this time it's focus is on the high school years before he was a notorious serial killer/cannibal/necrophiliac. Based on the best selling graphic novel written by Dahmer's high school friend, John "Derf" Backderf, the story goes into the years when the pair roamed the high school halls in 1970's Ohio. Dahmer's parents were locked in an acrimonious divorce and his slide into alcoholic madness was just beginning. I haven't read it and the comic book joint down the street from me can probably order it but I suspect they don't have much call for it so I gotta call down there.
But I digress. As usual.
Supposedly a sympethetic portrait, I'd guess you have to read it and see [and I'm going to] the thing I really thought was interesting is they tapped this kid to play Dahmer named Ross Lynch. He is a Disney kid and has starred in Teen Beach Movie [I don't know what the hell that is LMAO] and a series called Austin and Ally. So he's really stretching here. Most interesting, young man. We'll be watching you.
Lots of talk about this and it hasn't even come out yet. People are already mad, in the,"How DARE you?!?" way. How can a movie be made about such a horrible terrible and evil person? Of course all the excuses are out in full force: it's exploitation of a subject in which victims had their lives taken against their will. It glorifies the killer. Someone's probably making comments about Dahmer being gay but I haven't seen that yet. One editorial states that hysterical idiots will be screaming their heads off that the youth of a nation with go into serial killer mode and go roaring strait into hell. He's right. People over react in the most ridiculous ways.
Disney teen star Ross Lynch is breaking the internet with his new role as Dahmer in the upcoming film, "My Friend Dahmer". The images are interestingly similar. I think it's the 80's wire frame glasses and the feathered hair that are the kicker. He doesn't look as grimy alcoholic as our subject, but frankly I don't know how anyone could. It's been all up in my news feed all day [and last night my homie Jess and I stayed up chewing it over till the lateness] so he's got to be coming out with more press before too long."My Friend Dahmer" is slated for a 2017 release date and is now in post production.
So... no release date has been set for this movie, IMBD has set a 2017 date for this release but nothing else and I want to see it. Why? Well, I guess somewhere in that little bitty pea sized brain of mine I want to have some sympathy for this sicko. I do! This guy had to be so messed up. He really did.
Generally speaking, I don't have much sympathy for someone who, you know, eats human brains, but for someone who said that the reason he did it was because he was so alone that he didn't know what to do, I don't know. Plus, didn't one of his parents have exposure to major chemicals while the other one was severely mentally ill? Hit me up if you have the answers or a release date for this.
I read in Entertainment Weekly that the movie, "My Friend Dahmer" based on the graphic novel [which is out of print, or so I'm told] but this movie is making it's début at the Tribeca Film Festival! Oh man. What I wouldn't give, between Sundance,Tribeca and SXSW I feel like I'm living an improvished life [I'm kidding boss LMAO]
Anyway, they give rave reviews to 21 year old Ross Lynch, who stars as Jeff D. and predict this role will make him a force to be reckoned with.
From Rolling Stone: Ross Lynch has given an interview to everyone's favorite, Rolling Stone and opened up about how he got where he is, how he reacted when he was introduced to the part of Dahmer and the life he was leading before this storm from a dead serial killer came into his life. I suspect this role will be a pivotal one in his career.
Lynch did his time over at Disney with no complaint from what I can see, he had kind of a teeny bopper band and Disney gave them some air time and promotion. But when the season ended for the final time, what was next? He admitted he didn't know who Dahmer was. But he was willing to find out. And he's ripped into the role with gusto.
I'm dying to see this. It will be an amazing piece of art.
A new trailer has been released for My Friend Dahmer and I saw it when my buddy Jess put it on my FB, where it's potentially freaking out the poor normal people who don't know why I'm so interested in this.
I was having a conversation with my kid today and I told her that I'd achieved 99% of what I wanted to do in my life. All I want now before I choke the big chicken is to go to a film festival with my daughter. Naturally Tribeca in NYC is my first choice [not trying to be snotty] but Sundance or SXSW are acceptable. She just laughed, but I saw today My Friend Dahmer doesn't have a distributor yet! And it's premier was at Tribeca! I wanted to cry, seriously. If it doesn't get a distributor...it won't run at many theaters. UGH! That really bites it for me. We need this kind of thing to raise awareness for the education of mental illness in the young adult sector of the population.
Don't try to tell me Dahmer wasn't mentally ill.
Anyway, I'm holding out hope that the praise for Ross Lynch and the critical acclaim will make a studio sit up and take note. Come on not all of you Hollywood types are totally ignorant. SOMEBODY besides me sees how important this is. Check out this clip with the writer of the original graphic novel and the festival cognosanti.
This movie got a distributor and comes out November 3.
There's a new trailer you can check out. I can't lie, I totally hope my boyfriend doesn't go, Anna come on! But he just read a book of mine about Scott Peterson so I think he'll be down. He loves my job.
See this is how you know you've met your soulmate: you're hella ill and you need to run an errand so he does it for you.
When he gets back, he'd made a stop at the comic book store and ordered me a copy of "My Friend Dahmer"! OH HELL YES!
I think because of the movie, they've updated or added something to it but I'm not sure. So stoked!!! So it's not out of press. It had to be ordered but if I can get one you can too!
While we're giving Jeff his 15 minutes, I thought I'd check out some of the interviews he gave before he was murdered in prison about 2 maybe 3 years into his sentence. This interview is from MSNBC and had some interesting facts that I didn't know. So give this a look-see and clear your calender for 11-4 y'all!!!
So, I got the "My Friend Dahmer" book and I've been chewing it over for a couple of days. Fascinated by it, seriously. With the movie set to come out [It's either the 3rd or the 4th] the Oxygen network has announced a new documentary called "Dahmer on Dahmer", airing on November 11. Set to include interviews not only with Dahmer but his parents and others involved in the case.
Here's a link with a trailer. I'll double check that date for y'all. Tomorrow's Friday!
I was watching something on You Tube and from typing the word "Dahmer" into the search so much it gave me this video called "The Jeffery Dahmer Files". It's an IFC Production and I didn't have much enthusiasm for it at first because the guy they had playing JD looked nothing like him and....just not great. Or even good, really. But as it goes on, the original detective, the medical examiner and his next door neighbor all are interviewed.
Man!! The cop? What a character. I was cracking up at him. I felt bad for the neighbor lady [aside for the crack smoking part!] and the medical examiner was so engrossing!
If you're down, and remember, this link doesn't go to Disneyland, this is one of the best I've seen. And I'm getting my daily dosage of all things Dahmer.
Y'all are gonna laugh at me but this is a true story....about me being stupid LMAO
So, I'm online right, gearing up to get tickets to see the new Dahmer flick. And I'm all antsy cause it's really got the hype. And I get to where I need to be and I look and it says,"NYC showing Los Angeles showing November dates to follow"
I just sat there for a minute kinda holding my breath before commencing to scream every Spanish swear word I know. But! I started scrolling down and while it isn't getting a blockbuster release, it is going to get an indie release and it's coming to the theatre where they show stuff the chain theaters and their wussy asses won't show.
But who knows why. Not me. I told you I was being stupid!! I'm kidding. Sort of.
Find out if you made the cut at their site. Our date is now November 10th.
So....the movie is out in NYC and LA and the reviews are in: Ross Lynch is an unbelievable serial killer on screen and I'm dying! Twitter is freaking out. Go on over and check it out. I'm @annarocket. If you got to see this over the weekend let me know what you thought!!!
Well, it was Dahmer Day. We went over to this great place called the Valley Art in the middle of the ASU campus. I thought we'd be in there alone, it's cheaper to go earlier, but nope! There were a decent crowd which surprised me. I already knew the backstory so I wasn't surprised by much but I will say this: in the book, Dahmer's "fitz" and outrageous antics won him a tiny clique of friends. If you were thinking he was without companionship, you'd be wrong.
As he grew older, about to graduate his drinking went through the roof. Pile on pressure from parents, fear of homosexual and necrophiliac fantasies consumed his mind. Dahmer progressed to making his fantasy of "total control" of another human being in extreme and violent nature, always resulting in the death of his victims.
As we all know Jefferey Dahmer was found and caught and while working his prison job, by another inmate who stabbed him to death. It is tremendously difficult to find some tiny redeeming factor in a person who brought so much grief, terror and sheer inhumanity to so many. But see this movie!!! There's a crack, as Leonard Cohen says, in everything. That's how the light gets in. And I refuse to believe he was devoid of emotions. The smallest drop, be it love,DNA or hate holds the answers to our friends and loved one that they may not be able to answer for us.
My Friend Dahmer is showing in limited release. Dates are available through their website.
I just got the best email telling me I'm dumb! I love that crap. It really cracks me up. I'm no more dumb than you are!
The point of the message was simply that Jeffery Dahmer wasn't "human". So....what exactly do you think he was? Cyborg? Vampire? The Devil?
There's one part of this where JD's buddies and him play a prank and sneak Dahmer into a yearbook photo where he clearly did not belong. When the editor sees it, She takes a marker and circles his face out with black ink. She virtually makes him disappear. All this kid wants is to not be tortured internally 24/7. I'm pretty sure it wasn't his life's ambition to become a prolific serial killer. And he gets ignored. Again.
Just think about that. You should see this movie. And thanks for writing even if you think I'm dumb