First let me say to all readers that I would check this board often as I reserve the right to add to these rules and regulations as I see fit, so they may change without notice. Now, onto the rules.
The following are rules and regulations that our board moderators are expected to and will enforce:
1. NO FLAMING: - Flaming includes any derogatory comments, slander, or negative comments directed at another person whether living or dead. This is at the sole discretion of the moderators, they will use their own judgement calls as to what they feel is flaming.
2. KEEP TO THE TOPIC OF THE THREAD: - Keep to the topic of the thread, this is pretty self explanatory, or it should be, but evidently, some of you can't seem to understand this concept. You MUST keep to the topic of the thread that you are in. For example, you will NOT be allowed to go into the AOL thread and post a complaint about CCB. If you do, your post will automatically be deleted with no prior warning. Let me repeat that: IF YOU POST OFF THREAD, YOUR POST WILL BE DELETED, SO KEEP TO TOPIC!!!!!
The Consequences of not following the rules:
First Offense: Verbal Warning (other than what is noted above) Second Offense: Three Day Suspension Third Offense: Permanent IP Ban From Justice Junction - Before this happens, all moderators will review the conduct of the poster involved and will vote. If the majority rules-you're banned for good.