I used to work with battered women, and among them were some women suffering from character disorders and personality disorders. Lots of depression, of course, and some bi-polar (who can be as disturbed as schizophrenics) if not on meds. In the course of my work, am employee asked me if I would meet with her daughter-in-laws' sister, who had been diagonised as schizophrenic. I said I would. The girl arrived at my office for the meeting, dressed in all black. At no time did she ever change her facial experession. She told me how she could tele-transport herself across town if she wanted to...I asked her why she did that, and she looked me square in the eye and said, "Because I don't have a car." Then she went on to tell me that Jesus had chosen her to have his baby. She told me what a huge responsibility that was. I asked her what she would say if I told her that Jesus had asked me to have his baby. She looked right at me and said, "Well, then I'd have to kill you. and I believed she was absolutely capable of doing that.
I have no doubt this woman is schizophrenic. I saw her a couple of years later, while she was on medication, and she was completely different. However, she was having dellusions, but they were a little more believeable than the Jesus story and the tele-transporting story.
Yeah,those tapes were supposed to be used as evidence that she knew what was "right and wrong" at the time of the crime. I didn't see them....did she seem like she knew right from wrong?