My story is a long one, but to keep it short, Bob Pearson and his wife, Jeanie Pearson, of Dallas, Texas asked me to invest in their company. They showed me all sorts of financial statements that made it look as though they company was doing well.
After almost a year of excuses, I finally asked for my money back as none of the things they promised happened. You can imagine what happened next....they quit taking my calls. They changed their phone number and moved the office.
It appears that this is a habit for these two scammers. I am just heartbroken and so very mad at myself. I had no idea that I was dealing with professional scammers. I guess that's how people do it though - they wouldn't make any money at it if they weren't convincing.
I don't know what to do next. The amount of my investment is too large for small claims court which means I will have to hire an attorney.
Anyone have any suggestions of a way I can get my money back without spending thousands on legal fees? Honestly, they have broken me financially with all their stories of family illnesses and accidents.
My name is Kristine. My parents also invested with this couple from Dallas, Bob Pearson and Jeanie Pearson. I met them at the Mesquite High School '75 class reunion. Jeanie and I went to school together there, but weren't friends then. At the reunion we met and became fast friends. They were so warm and inviting at first.
I have now been told that I was targeted by them because I have a great job, large home and fancy car. I must have been just a meal ticket to them. I am a single woman who has a good job, so I can afford a few luxuries in life. However, when it came to investing in their company, I wasn't sure so I asked my mom and dad.
We all met and since my parents have more money than me saved, they wanted to take the risk instead of me. Like a fool, I let them do this. All told, they gave Bob & Jeanie over $200k in cash and checks.
These people are just so good at making you feel sorry for them. Not to mention how easy it is for them to convince you that they are honest and hard-working. At first everything was fine and the benefits company seemed to be working.
I don't want to go on too long here, but in the end, our story is the returned phone calls, office locked up, phones disconnected, Bob & Jeanie no where to be found - MONEY GONE.
My question is this: Bob was selling territories where people would get paid and they didn't have to do anything. Of course, if you did work in that territory you got even more money. So, we did sign up our friends and family on their benefits package. Anyway, is that legal?
I am sorry to hear about your story, but at least you know you are not alone. I have found others on the net that have similar stories. Hopefully they will be stopped soon.
I'm Anna aka annarocket and I moderate our board here. It sounds like you both had unfortunate experiances.
I looked at the link and I wondered if maybe you could contact the webmaster to see if there were more people involved that you could combine your resources to go after them legally?
Let us know what happens.I'm interested. Best of luck.
I am in the process of getting all the investors together with the authorities. I think this was securities fraud. We also need to contact the Attorney General's office.
This is exactly the kind of thing we are here for.I hope if there is anything we can do to facilitate your case,let us know.We certainly are happy to let you have as much space and publicity as you need.These people sound like vultures.